Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Blogs vs. Wikis

Compare and contrast blogs and wikis. Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world. How can blogs be used for collaboration? Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet? Cite at least 2 of the assigned readings.

Blogs are a great platform for people to share information and thoughts. Some people may use blogs almost as a diary, documenting their lives. Meanwhile, others may focus on a certain topic such as food. Blogs can be used for collaboration as it is a platform that does contain others to comment and make posts to share ideas. Wikis are similar to blogs in that they also are a method of sharing information however it is different in that it is more of a communally shared posting which multiple people may edit and contribute to. The convergence of today's networked world is apparent and is shown through out the various articles. Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog shows how inside information can be leaked out through the troops as they blog or post messages online. It is hard to monitor everything that goes on and sometimes it may be censored. In addition, Wiki's article concerning Wikis explains that Wiki allows collaborative collaboration and modification of it's content. This allows various people to update the information on it. A new use of a Wiki could be using it to form a manual/guide for doing certain things. It can be extremely comprehensive and have a specific page for specific situations.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

"An Analysis of Video Games in Multiple Dimensions"
In my paper, I plan to discuss video games as a form of new media. I will go in depth into the sociological, educational, technological and moral perspectives of video games. There is certainly great controversy regarding this form of new media which appeals highly to the younger generations but is slowly but surely catching up with the rest of the population. It has uses in assisting in education yet may be a distraction to others. It utilizes the newest forms of technology to constantly evolve. But yet given how open and endless video games can be, what limits should be imposed on them if any?
This is my blog for my Spring Principles of New Media Class. I have little to no prior experience with the world of blogging so I am looking forward to learning something new with the rest of my class.