Friday, March 25, 2016

Creativity and New Media

     New Media can be a great way to express one's self and really does allows for many forms of creative expression. Within certain games and simulations, users can feel free to create avatars which can be tweaked to however the user wants. One way that I have been able to show my creativity using New Media would be within MapleStory. I was able to create a character and altar everything about my avatar. The variable portions that I had control over would include stats and attributes. I was also able to name my character, decide what type of role or job he would have. Aside from the more innate attributes, I was also able to change the way my character looked.

In the above picture, I have highlighted the current equipment and customization that I have on my character.

In this picture, I highlight the stats and attributes that I have decided to focus on for my character. 
The game really does allow a high level of editing and expression and there are much more ways for New Media to show creativity as more technology is introduced to the common market in the future.


  1. I used to play MapleStory too! They get more creative every season with the addition of new emojis and costumes. I think it's a great way to keep the gamers playing (and to spend NX cash).

  2. I play MapleStory when i was in was really fun game i have been play.and i have knew many friends though this is a great game and if i have time i would play it again.
